screwing every single thing. - 12:11 AM
- i went for driving today, though i clearly know it's on 30th thinking its a Monday.
-i heard things which really screwed up my supposed decision and i'm having 2nd thoughts about it.
-how can i not be worried and apprehensive when i read things like how my friend who was showed the finger when she waved at a cute angmoh boy?
and many more. i hope i'll be able to fall asleep early tonight.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
- 10:19 PM
Friday was outing with Sybil, Jy and Kk, before Majestia at night! Ok, outing in the day was like pigging out session what with burger at Billy Bombers followed by tiramisu cake and doughnuts =/ catching up was good, just that something bothered me. I guess it's the way of the world. oh well..
Majestia followed. Apart from hearing Spartacus again [after their splendid syf performance], it was the whole feeling of nostalgia being part of the audience and watching them play, instead of being the one on stage playing.
I remember vividly Majestia XX was a bittersweet one. We had our midnight movie outing of Madagascar of which i happily slept for 3/4 of the crappy movie. haha, it was overnight at wy's house later with mahjong!! Oh and how could i forget, our very expensive and secretive presents which coz everybody btw $70-$150!
Majestia XXI was another memorable one. Playing Heart & Voice and screwing up my toms part, playing Technology with our sunglasses [and being super freaked out for my xylo part =/], and of coz, another mid-night movie of X-Men and Gluttons Bay after that. and of coz being the last Majestia we were writing all our long and emo messages which i still do read sometimes.
Ahh yes i miss playing with my batchmates, and playing under Mr Leonard Tan. haha if i've gotten into Nus i just might join band for Mr Tan. oh wells.. enough of reminiscing. all my photos are in my sd card which is not with me. sigh.
Yesterday was tuition. Was feeling quite crappy coz my student quit, and its quite demoralising to noe ur student quit coz either ur not teaching well or sth =( lunch with parents den meeting up with the band ppl at night for like some food trail. i mean with Out of The Pan, followed by ben&jerrys, Mrs Fields, dim sum at 10pm. we walked to Meridian to pool [which of coz i watched] till like 1am den home.
After svc today, i cabbed home. [3rd day consectively, tell me i'm not broke] went out for dinner, of which i was just feeling really crappy. like all the nagging worries and thoughts over the week just came back to huant me, and of coz there's the fluctuating hormonal levels. the icing on the cake was when i reached home to realise my stupid internet connection had some problems, and i had to restart my computer twice. so, i decided to seek comfort in my friend, the treadmill. yes i jogged for 30mins, blasting songs like Tears & Rain, Absolutely Zero, Look What You've Done, Collide etc. ok but i'm feeling refreshed and happy now, which proves that it is the stupid hormones.
ahh well, driving's tmr, my mom's in-grown toenail op tmr. and of coz it seems like another busy money-spending, but fun catching up week.
[it's a drawing of a frog on my jeans]
Thursday, May 24, 2007
photos. - 12:08 AM
the camp was good. my parents didn't say much, and i've learnt much, which i've drafted an email to Elaine so i shan't elaborate. haha well anyway, its my first time sleeping on the upper deck of a bunk bed and everytime i climb up i feel like i'm going to topple the bed -hides-. i was pigging out ALOT too, what with oreos, sour apple sweet, and riter sports rum & raisins chocolate which is damn good. [an alternative description would be or***mic] well ok, it was a good time of fellowship with the rest and sleepless nights were made alot better with whispery conversations =D
monday was out with mom to look around Robinsons and we bought a black formal winter coat for half price. haha [erm coz i didn't get nus] and it was usual tuition.
tuesday was fun. it was superdog, topshop, priceless, sentosa express, sharing session [of everything! haha yes no secrets anymore], herb & garlic focaccia for snack.
after that it was Brewerkz with the girls to celebrate Liesel's acceptance. i got them to order the very malty beer which they said was bitter, and being tight on cash we got a jug or beer, some lamb thing, and 1/2 ribs which were gone before i could take a photo. walked around clarke quay enjoying the scenery.

well well today was gym day! mom was menopaus-ing before i left house, which left me feeling really frustrated. and i realised running is such a good way to release all your frustrations. and cycling is the best time to listen to songs. and this particular song got stuck in my head.
You are my shield, my strength
My portion, deliverer
My shelter, strong tower
My very present help in time of need.
Friday, May 18, 2007
102nd post. - 3:32 PM
well anw, what a week it has been. could have been a much better week i would say. but its friday already. TGIF. and thus i also hope it marks the end of such a week. friends, home, driving, work. ahh well.
i'm off to a camp frm fri - sun 5pm. time to leave behind the worries of my current, boring semi-unemployed life.[all my friends consider me as unemployed as they think working from 7-830pm 4 days a week is a far cry from proper work] i changed my ultimatum to decide which uni i should accept to this Sun, and as of now, i'm still a undecided as i was 2months ago when the uni decisions were finalised. it's like i feel like i'm sitting in the middle of a see-saw and the 2 universities i'm considering [King's College London and University of Sheffield, unfortunately not nus coz i haven't received the letter and if i haven't received it by nxt wk, thats abt it.] are at either ends. i do read up on the uniersity at various websites, and see the university rankings, and hear comments from my sis and her local friends. each new comment seems to change the balance of the see saw, often bringing the higher one down and the lower one up. how am i supposed to make a decision like that! i don't know, i really don't know. yes, my undecisive-ness [is there such a word?] would be the downfall of me. poof. i need some divine intervention.
enough abt it. i'd post my decision when i've made a reply to UCAS.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
sleepy yet weirdly contented. - 9:48 PM
hmm but come to think of it, its not like i did alot of physical draining activity this wkend. it just started from fri when i woke up at 6am and slept at 1am to wake up at 730am for tuition on sat to reach home at 11pm and slp at 3am to wake up at 9am automatically. i seriously need to sleep. i wonder how i survived school.
well anyway i went for the conference after tuition on sat. on my way to expo, i took 43 to pl of which i met my student and we chatted in the bus. he's the typical lazy, ah beng boy, who msgs during tuition class and never pay attentions. so as teachers we tend to judge [ok thats bad, so mbbe not judge but have preconveived ideas of such students being lazy and not doing well in studies], and that convo in the bus ride definitely left me thinking. he's actually a rather bright student, getting A for physics and maths [just so happens he doesn't do well for chem which i am teaching him]. he gets into fights in schools [which is suppossedly quite common for his school], used to smoke but now smokes rarely, and aims to go poly to do engineering. even if he may be exaggerating abt the fights part, this is yet another example to show me not to judge people. and another to show me how innocent i am coming frm schools which do not have such things. ahh well..
took home some interesting points from the conference, and was equally lost during certain sessions due to my inadequate knowledge of stuff. but i won't regret, coz i felt like i was brought back after feeling so far away the past few weeks. i got a ride home from Sam and she drove! haha i think its so cool to be able to drive ur friends home. i'd want to do that too when i get my liscence! ok honestly, the ride home was quite smooth. haha =D
today was svc then mother's day dinner. there's outing with oi + xa nxt week, outings with mom coz dad's overseas, and encounter frm fri - sun. hope things go smoothly.
i'm really tired, yet weirdly contented =)
Friday, May 11, 2007
syf. - 9:57 PM
went for lunch at bk coz it was so crowded and we wanted to go back and queue up for tickets for the afternoon session. i tell you those ushers seriously suck. they treat us like kids saying. it was till the point we were ordered and chased out of any area near a bloody speaker. like HELLO, you don't let us in FINE. you don't even let us listen what is going on inside, like wth. these ppl probably don't understand how impt it is, to alumni, and even more so to the students in the participating bands. i recall 2 yrs ago when we went back to listen to the results we were allowed to sit near the speakers. now, the students are reduced to waiting downstairs or outside listening from a handphone. ok, enough complaining.
well so we went down to where the jnrs were sitting and listened to the results and we got gwh! we were so happy and the jnrs were simply euphoric. jumping up and down, screaming, singing the victorian anthem twice, shouting many many cheers. the feeling is indescribable. they worked hard, played their best and enjoyed themselves =) and of course, they achieved this under Mr Leonard Tan. Congratulations.
ok boring entry, but its simply such a happy thing. sigh i have tuition tmr and don't feel like going. i'm tired.
i dont' feel like going.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
- 12:04 AM
ah well, it's my 99th post! amazing. anw don't you think the weather was so good today? there was sun, wind [except the humid part]. i started dreaming of being in the Bahamas or sth sitting under an umbrella tanning sipping a frozen martini. ok you can see the extent of boredom and how much my brain has degenerated after approx 5mths of holiay till i'm talking abt the weather -_- this is bad. i was just clearing 2yrs worth of TIMES that day and realised how out of touch i am frm current issues. i used to do it for the sake of gp but i realise its act quite good to noe sth abt what is happening. instead of living in my own world thinking abt the weather.
i've given myself an ultimatum [this sun] to decide which uni to go to =( there's just like so many things to think abt. how established [overseas vs locally], cost [the diff is quite significant], percentage of local ppl, distance frm my sister. ahhhh i don't noe. but i believe i'd be able to come to a decision by this Sun.
Sun was spent with the family eating dim sum and stoning at home. sigh.
gym tmr! den dinner. date with oi on wed =D driving's on thurs, and fri's SYF! sat's conference. my weeks packed. =/ i hope nxt weekend will go smoothly. alright, i'm hungry so i'm off to sleep to curb the hunger.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
in the mood for. - 11:44 PM
this week feels short! shorter than the many many previous mundane weeks. haha probably coz there was a long weekend and going out everyday frm thurs till mon kinda makes everything more bearable! =)
someone tell me why am i feeling high at 1154pm at night. wheeee.. well anw i think i have a come-swipe-me-face. sigh so it was during chem tuition at 8pm.
me: "hmmm i'm hungry".
student A: "huhhh hungry?" in his usual blur look.
me: "ya, you didn't want to share ur chocolate with the class wat. do you noe how fat and how many calories there are in that chocolate bar?"
student A: :"ya, thats why i didn't offer you"
me: -_-
oh well, it's gym tmr. after me and mom spent $21 at Chocolate & Spice. haha.
i kinda miss school life. this is so random but i stumbled upon my old blog the other day and read some of my old entries [back in year 1]. there were many entries writing about both fun and sad things. so i started browsing through my photos and these are those i have in my new comp.